Friday, August 3, 2012

Back Muscle Pain

Back Muscle Pain

Just like you, I make lists. Lists of all the things I hate to do just so that I will, actually, do them.
Today's list has 3 HORRIBLE entries.
  1. Cat litter in garage (I know this sounds wimpy.) My cats have nuclear-powered posteriors and they are not fussy about where they leave their nondigital calling cards. They love blankets, pillows, pretty much anything that might have slipped down to the floor. They love clean laundry. 
  2.  Power wash outside cement patio=day 3. I have to plan for more than one day for these types of tasks because after a very few moments, my lower back KILLS! I do persevere as long as I can stand the pain but apparently I "need" to take a rest and sit on my computer chair for half an hour at least. Anything less would just be pathetic. Oh, no! Wait! The pathetic part is me outside with the compressor-like power washer. It leaks. Will it electrocute me before the back patio is finished? Stay tuned to find out the exciting outcome. 
  3. Clean the exterior of our 2 year old barbecue. Ya, it rains here quite a bit. I am going to try the ol' SOS trick (like a brillo pad with soap imbued) and then list it on Craigslist to go free to a new home. It's kinda just too big and ostentatious for us, especially since I don't really "do" the propane tank dealie. Could it blow? Could it blow in strong sunlight? Could it blow like right now? etc.

In order to help all of you, and all of me, I am linking to the first of several "back exercises for seniors". Maybe next year when I attempt to bag-up and neutralize the atomic feline damage in my garage OR de-moss my #usedtobegreynowgreen patio, my back will not be just disastrously painful.

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